Monday, 26 December 2016

A PTSD Suffering Veteran’s Video Reaction To A Puppy Gift Goes Viral

Man with puppy

This has to rank among one of the best pet news stories of the year. He was a normal kid who, at the young age of 11 years, decided to join the Military after 9/11. He never gave up on the idea and when he came of age, he finally joined the Marine Corps so he was deployed to Afghanistan. He returned from the war only to be told that his favourite companion, an adopted beagle named Jackie, had died. Then under therapy for PTSD, he got an interesting gift  click to continue reading

Saturday, 24 December 2016

How This Guy Manages To Convert Members Of The KKK, 200 So Far..

 By Denver News [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

We found this to be an inspiring, courageous and great news story albeit a little weird. We know a lot of you would be scared to adopt his approach, though it’s been working to perfection so far. He’s an accomplished jazz pianist but even before he became one, he was already doing this. Even more interesting or weird is the fact that Daryl is a black man. Yes he is! I know you may be wondering how a black man, gets to meet KKK members and go further to convert them click to continue reading

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Video Proves These Tiny Animals Can Have Continuous Sex For At Least 1 Hour

Tiny Animal

Ever heard of Tardigrades?  They are microscopic animals that live mostly in water. They have been studied for over 245 years and the great news is that, they could provide some answers into human longevity research because of what they possess. They can withstand the worst of heats and freezes. There’s however an odd but fascinating side of them that’s just coming to the fore. As much as this could also be great news it would make all humans jealous or better still, we could learn a thing or two Click to continue reading

Dog's Reaction To Dying Owner Could Make You Cry

Dog and owner

Ryan was going for a walk when he saw this stray dog which was completely infected by fleas. The great news was that Ryan is a pet lover, a dog lover to be exact, so he didn’t hesitate in adopting this poor little thing. That was six years ago. Now Ryan has suffered a horrible stroke and is on life support. Doctors say he’s not going to survive so the family took Mollie to the hospital to say a final goodbye Click to continue reading

Why This Man Got Fined For Feeding Wild Bears In His Backyard


Most humans would be kind to their pets and other animals. The great news is that, it was no different for a Vermont man who regularly fed wild bears with plates of food in his backyard. Oddly though, he got fined for being kind to these animals for a very strange reason. Apparently something interesting happens to wild bears that enjoy this kind of regular treat. Click to continue reading

Abducted By An UFO? Policeman Insists It's True.


Whether you believe in UFOs or not, this odd news would enthrall you. It was November 28th 1980 and Alan Godfry went out into the fields looking for missing cattle, then he spotted what seemed like a bus a few metres ahead. As he drew closer to the ‘bus’, he saw something more interesting that would be great news for scientific discovery if proven to be true Click to continue reading

How Her Dog Reacted When She Left For College


Border Collies are probably the most intelligent dog breeds in the world. If you want to know how intelligent they are, read this: The Dog That Can Learn Maths and Languages . If you’re not convinced enough then this great and inspiring news story would enthrall you. Carly never thought that her Border collie would react this way when she left for college Click to continue reading

Why This Great News For Stray Dogs In India Should Be Replicated Around The World

Dog Skiing

This must be some really great news for dogs especially in India. Rakesh Kushla, a software Engineer is a really  jolly good fella, making Christmas ‘great’ for 735 stray dogs. It would be even more great news, if this can be replicated around the world. Why? Click to continue reading

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Why This Squirrel Had Stolen 150 Christmas Lights

A Squirrel

This has to be the odd and funny news of the month. There’s a new thief in town and he’s not your everyday thief. Even more interesting is what the thief is stealing. The great news however is that, the thief has been caught on camera. Guess what? This thief is a squirrel stealing Christmas lights. If you’ve been losing your Christmas in a strange manner and you do not know who the thief is, there you have it. But why is this squirrel stealing Christmas lights?? Click to continue reading

Saturday, 3 December 2016

How A 5 Month Old Puppy Saved A Teenager From Rape

Pit-bull puppy

If you’re still wondering whether you should own a dog or not, here’s some great news to finally convince you to halt the delay. Before i share the news, remember, you can teach your dog with these lessons Online Dog Training and you never know what it might save you from.
The Story
 She visited her boyfriend and took his 5 month pit-bull puppy for a walk in the park Click to continue reading

Friday, 2 December 2016

She Sold 20 Iphone 7s and Bought A House - How She Did It


Not such great news! Before I go on, please ladies don’t try this. “Honesty is the best policy” they say and cheating, in the long term, would only lead you to ruins. She has 20 boyfriends, got them all to buy her Iphone 7 Click to continue reading

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Optical Illusion: Raunchy or Not? Judge For yourself

Optical Illusion

The photo above is an optical illusion obviously.  Anyone who loves art would love optical illusions. The great news is that, beautiful art has a therapeutic effect. However, there’s one particular optical illusion spotted in a hotel that’s breaking the internet ever since it was posted by someone Click to continue reading

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Meant To Be - How Online Dating Re-united Pre-k Sweethearts

Pre-k Romance

Question! How many of you believe in Destiny? Do you even believe in online dating? They say “what’s meant to be would be”. That’s why this great news makes for the perfect love story. I am sure the movie rights would be up for sale very soon. This couple met in pre-k  Click to continue reading

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

How Long Would You Wait To Find Mr. or Miss Right?

Old couple

Question! How long would you wait for Mr. or Miss right? What is the ideal time period to wait? As a woman would you sacrifice childbirth in wait of Mr. right? Would you be able to withstand social pressure and stick to your guns until you find Mr. or Miss right? I know this is a very tough decision to make and most people would actually fall along the way. However, there’s always that one great news story that serves as inspiration. Maria decided to resist Click to continue reading 

Monday, 28 November 2016

What Would You Do For Love? Watch The 'Perfect' Proposal Unfold

Marriage proposal

 Many guys would  go the beautiful and extreme length to enthrall with the ‘perfect proposal. That’s exactly what Derick from Arizona did after a date with his girlfriend ended at a TV station. He had great news for her Click to continue reading